Iranian parliament begins hearing on Minister of Labor

Iranian parliament begins hearing on Minister of Labor
Minister of Labor, Ali Rabiei. (The Iran Project)
Updated 13 March 2018

Iranian parliament begins hearing on Minister of Labor

Iranian parliament begins hearing on Minister of Labor

TEHRAN: Iranian lawmakers have begun a hearing on the labor minister’s alleged mismanagement of unemployment and other government enterprises.
The hearing could lead to the impeachment of Ali Rabiei if there is a majority vote in parliament against him Tuesday.
Unemployment in Iran is at about 12 percent and lawmakers also criticized Rabiei for the collision of a tanker that burned and sank off the coast of China, killing 30 sailors in January. The Labor Ministry manages some 60 percent of the tanker company.
In the afternoon session, lawmakers will hear about Transportation Minister Abbas Akhoundi and his allegedly poor management as well as deaths in that sector.
The move is seen part of the factional push and pull between hard-liners in parliament and moderate President Hassan Rouhani’s administration.